Want to increase operational efficiencies, reduce publishing costs, and facilitate regulatory compliance?

Caliper Content Services can design an intelligent content solution and content strategy for you that will facilitate a great customer journey and customer experience and help you achieve these marketing department goals and others.

This is an opportunity that is often overlooked.

Many organizations do not realize how expensive it is to create their documentation using their inefficient legacy processes and manual tasks.

Many organizations create and maintain a separate copy for content print, web and mobile publishing formats. They are not benefiting from single-sourced publishing.

Many organizations create documentation that fails regulatory compliance due to the lack of proper validation.

An intelligent content solution can address all these issues by facilitating intelligent authoring, collaboration, governance, stewardship and publishing. These are the core functions of intelligent content. It accelerates digital transformation. This is a business opportunity that many organizations are missing.

It does not have to be hard.

Creating an intelligent content solution is not simply connecting an editor, CMS and publishing engine. Your new content solution may have inter-dependencies between the requirements that, if not discovered early, could lead to an expensive re-architecture down the road.

For example, you may have a piece of content that is country-specific that you only want to publish when you are publishing to that country. This is an inter-dependency between the content model and the publishing feature that should be designed into the solution.

Caliper Content Services can design an intelligent content solution and strategy for you that seamlessly integrates all these functions.

Let’s design a content strategy that aligns with your corporate strategy.

Book an appointment with Caliper so that we can analyze your content problems and determine how an intelligent content solution and strategy will help you achieve your documentation department goals.

In this introductory meeting, Caliper will provide an overview of its proven content engineering practice. We will discuss designing metrics that can be used to determine the cost, benefit, and return on investment (ROI) of your new solution as well as measure content “performance”. We wrote the book on content metrics. We help you show the Executive how your content strategy is addressing their business goals.

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About Us

Caliper Content Services is an intelligent content consultancy.
We have 15+ years of experience solving content problems in a variety of industries: Financial, Life Sciences, Oil and Gas, Airlines, Government, Insurance, Sports and Curriculum.


Our Services

We take an engineering approach that is based on the best practices of software engineering developed over the past 30 years. We take this approach to design new content solutions, repair existing solutions, and design metrics and business cases. 


What We Do

We work with organizations to identify goals that are not being met because of content problems.​
Then we design intelligent content solutions and content strategies that solve those problems.



Over the past 15 years we have created many resources that we are happy to share with you. Check out our library of presentations, white papers and books that will help you get a jump start on learning intelligent content best practices.